Friday 5 April 2013

Pills and other ills

I want to add a PS to today's blog. I forgot to mention that as of Tuesday this week, I am 'happy pill free'! I spent a few weeks on 5mg, then on 2.5 (biting the little beggars in half every other day) and now none at all. Zip. Zilch. Que dalle.

Regardless of the fact that I spent ages weaning myself off the pills and that I was on an almost placebo-level dose at the end, I have still been having regular dizzy spells this week. Quite strange. It's a bit like missing a second here and there, or your brain not quite working in time with your body. But I'm sure that will go soon.  If I had it my way, I'd be on the pills forever. They really do help. But I'm very much a 'body is a temple' type person when it come to motherhood, and if there is even the smallest chance that that might happen, I want this body as clean and ready as possible.

Talking of my desire to have another baby, it came to my attention today that a couple of local ladies had last summer been spreading gossip heavily laced with their own opinions about my desire so quickly to have another child.   It doesn't bother me that they don't agree because that's how I felt (my pragmatic side taking over I guess), it's how I still feel and in fact, I was absolutely right as I may well have been able to have a child back then, as in the last few months my hormone counts have dropped so drastically, so suddenly.

What bothers me is the malevolent gossiping. It's not their business. It's not their life. It's mine. I know; slightly hypocritical as here I am telling the world about my life, but that's just it, this is ME telling you about MY LIFE. I think they revelled in having 'insider information' and it must have made them feel important to be able to spread that with a little bit of extra topping for good measure. Suffice to say, they will play no future role in my life. If I need a cleaner, I'll go elsewhere.


  1. Ironically, I missed reading your blogs. Don't even know if it is right to say that???

    1. That's absolutely fine, honey. My blogs are all about honesty and you are being honest. If I haven't written, it's because I didn't feel I could. Now I have, that's a good sign. What do you think about the latest entries? x

  2. I am always grateful when people show me how they truly are no matter how painful it is at the time, and then I can make honest decisions on having them in my life. Your business is only your own. I support you in your quest to find the right path for you and your family no matter what that is. I have faith that all will work out as its meant to. Keep on writing your honesty and bravery is inspiring. And I thank you for having the courage of sharing your pain, grief, loss,insights, and laughter with the world.

  3. it IS your life and YOUR decision. They should get a life of their own!...keep on keepin on darling.You are doing so well.xx
