Thursday 12 June 2014

Let's get William's name out there!!

It's been 14 months since my last blog entry. I think that's a good enough indicator of how things are right now. I haven't forgotten William, but I have managed to carve out a new path. So much has happened in the last year; I've met so many wonderful new friends and I am involved in projects that are giving me a sense of fulfilment.

One of the people I have recently met is Mark Binmore, a multi-published author living near me, in Béziers. Touched by my 'story' and my blog, he tweeted it. Apparently it's now being re-tweeted by some household names! Thank you to EVERYONE who shares my blog. This is William's legacy - if my words help just one more grieving person, then I'm happy; the more people they reach, and help, the happier I am.

I'm going to post this and then I'm going to write an update post... Watch this space!