Monday, 17 September 2012

Привет (Hello in Russian)

Just a quick post to say that I have just looked at my blog statistics; I have had almost 8000 page views since I started in early August! Including 157 from Russia - I don't even know anyone in Russia - hello Russian followers!

Nothing much else to say right now. It's mid-afternoon so I suppose I'd better have something to eat as I haven't eaten yet today - my appetite is still not back to my previous (very) healthy levels! I have lost 7kgs (over a stone) and all my newer clothes (especially trousers) just fall off me now, but, on the upside, I can now get back into some of the clobber I'd put aside for 'when I'd lost weight'. As you do. But I wouldn't recommend this diet to anyone. It seems to have come with bags under my eyes and new wrinkles as well as a permanently down-turned mouth. At least, due to copious highlights, there's no sign just yet of me going completely grey overnight.

1 comment:

  1. I wanted to send you this to comfort you....I wrote it a while back in hope that it would comfort a friend who lost her sister too early... I hope you find comfort in it started as a poem and later became a song..I'll sing it to you sometime.....

    If I should leave before my time
    Think not of me as a fading vine
    But as a rose to brighten the landscape stark
    Preserved forever, held firmly within your heart.

    Cry not for my unfinished work
    For I know you will carry on the path I have walked
    Hold up your head, stand tall and proud
    Continue my laughter, let it ring out loud.

    And when times are hard and too much to bear
    Think of your rose and I will be there
    Cry for me now and after, be strong
    For I will be your tender love song.


    Draw on this when you have nothing more from which you can find comfort xxxx
